Sunday, September 12, 2010

Not much going on...

I did get to make a trip up to Murfreesboro (not sure of the spelling, I can't ever spell it right) yesterday to see the bestie and Peanut! We had a really good time catching up and shopping together! I so wish I had taken my real camera...Peanut is just too cute. We made a trip to Old Time Pottery(love that store) I finally bought a new laundry sorter, I was in desperate need of one. I also bought the dogs 2 new beds and they love them. We went for a delish mexican lunch and found some bargain at Belk. I haven't had that much luck shopping in quite some time!

I saw a rainbow on my way up there!

Peanut is just too cute, he'd had enough shopping at this point though.

This is Vince loving his new bed. I had just thrown them on the couch for the time being (they may or may not still be there...) the Vols were about to play. Due to a 70 minute lighting delay I didn't stay awake the whole game. I'd started my day at 6:30 a.m.

Forgive my pics, they are from the cell...

Today we watched the Titan's beat the Oakland Raiders...Go Titan's!!!! It's back to the daily routine tomorrow.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Well, I think the blog looks a little better. It's not my favorite, but I can't seem to get the silly template designer mess to go away. I started out changing the design there, but decided I didn't really like it, so I went to find a now I can't fully get rid of the changes I made with the designer. Oh well! At least I think it is better now...I can live with it!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I so want to change my background, but can't quite figure it, I'm calling it a night and will try again later when I have some more energy.

Good Night!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

6 Days!!!

Untill it's football time in Tennessee!!!


{Orange and White Game. April 2010.}
I am really looking forward to see what Dooley has done with the boys. I think it will be a fun and exciting year to watch. (At least thats what I'm hoping for!) :o)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I stink at blogging...

I really do wish I was better. I guess that I don't have much to say! My husband would disagree with that!

We are trying to get a group of friends together to go tubing in Helen, Ga next weekend. I have only been once, but no one else in our group has ever been. It seems like ages since I went...oh it was only about 12-13 years ago! Wow, I'm getting old. anyways, it should be a good time! I just have to remember to keep sunscreen on...on me and the husband. I'm hoping to have pictures...but I am world's worst at taking pictures.

I'm reading the Vampire Diaries right now. I'm just kinda into it. I enjoyed Twilight Saga MUCH better.

Eclipse Move...
GREAT! Best of the series so far. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the do Breaking Dawn in two parts...ahhh....can't wait.

GREAT! What can I say...I love my job. I love where I work and the people I work with, well, most of them! Some of them are just pure lazy.

LOVE! I am so happy where life is for me and B right now. We are just enjoying each other and where we are, and looking forward to where life takes us.

I lost my Mamaw in June. She was 84 years old. She had a light stroke in February and went into a nursing home once she was released. Once she was released from the nursing home/physical therapy my Mom took her home. Home = Mamaw's house. She had been home 4 weeks to the day she passed away. We were all glad that she was home, and that she didn't suffer too long. She is in a much better place now. She is with her daughter, Charlotte, and they are both watching over our family. Mamaw will be greatly missed.

We are taking B's Nanny on her FIRST ever beach trip in October!!! We are both so excited.

We are hoping to take another cruise in May. We will probably go on the Legend again, that is the ship we took on our honeymoon. I'd really like to go on the Dream, but it is newer and cost more!

C and my Peanut! I actually got to see them last weekend. He is getting so big...he is so darn cute!

We just got the news that A and J are moving back to Chatt town!!! She is due with baby JSD in November!

M and K are moving to Atlanta, and that makes us sad. K is going to Emory to receive her Masters, best of luck girl. But hurry home.

J and J are still out in Texas. We are wishing they could move home too.

Our newest couple to the group, P and J...I love ya'll! I am so excited for them! They are in the process of adopting a little girl from Rwanda. I can't wait to meet her!

I know that was really random...just some of the things that are on my mind. I really hope to start doing better at keeping up with the 'ol blog. Even though C is my only follower! I think I would really like to keep this up so that I have it to look back on one day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Giveaway!!!

Lyndsie is doing a Misikko give away!!! Go check it out!!! I haven't quite figured out the link thing just yet!!!

Running of the Chihuahuas!!!

A local radio station is doing a running of the chihuahuas for Cinco de Mayo, and Vince has been chosen! Well, he wasn't at first, but I got a call tonight asking if we were still interested....ummm...YEAH! I so hope to have good news to post in a few days!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

First Mclinky?!?!

Ha this is the first one that I've done, and I'm probably not doing it right...Here goes nothing...

Baby Shower Ideas...

I made the cutest diaper cake for my best friend back in Feburary. It was my very first attempt and I was quite please with how it turned out. My mom and I had the best time buy up all the stuff and putting it together for my Peanut...

I totally think I am missing a step here. I am not sure how to get the list of links on my page. Help! Anyone stumbles upon my page...let me know!!! I like the blog hops, I'm just having a blonde moment! HA!

Mrs. C


I am so glad today is Friday, and my work week is over...Till Monday anyway. I have been a little under the weather this week. I'm pretty sure that its all sinus mess. I've pretty much kept a headache since Wednesday, but today it was at its worst. I was going to go see my bestie and Peanut up in Murfreesboro (not sure on that spelling!), but I don't want to get either of them sick IF I'm contagious.

By the way...

Jules had a beautiful baby boy Thursday night. 8 lbs and 20 1/5 inches long. I was also going to see them Saturday, but that will have to wait also. Congrats guys can't wait to meet the 'lil guy!

Mrs. C